At first glance washing machines and dishwashers always appear to be clean. However, every wash cycle soils crucial (often invisible) parts in your machine through deposits formed by lime, soap and dirt.
This soiling wears down the parts causing malfunctions. This not only causes a breakdown of the machine but it also leads to the following:
+ The wash is not cleaned particularly well
+ The wash program runs longer
+ The machine either does not heat or it heats insufficiently
+ The machine continues to pump out
The most common example of a defective part is the heating element, but before it stops functioning altogether, it malfunctions for a long period of time. There are also other parts that are sensitive to dirt, which is why professional washing machine and dishwasher repairmen completely clean a machine following a repair. This helps to ensure another part does not break down shortly after the repair as a result of the soiling.
Malfunction from dirt can now be avoided by a very simple cleaning of the dishwasher or washing machine every 3 months using this HG product (used by professional repairmen). This ensures that filters, floaters, drainage pipes and other hard to reach parts do not become dirty. Sealing rubbers remain elastic and water resistant, preventing leakage and short circuits.
Naturally all visible parts become sparkling clean, which provides the machine with a nearly new appearance internally as well as from from the ouside.
2 x 100ml
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Post time: Feb-04-2018