1.Silicone Structural Sealant Uses: Mainly used for structural bonding of glass and aluminum sub-frames, and also used for secondary sealing of hollow glass in hidden frame curtain walls. Features: It can bear wind load and gravity load, has high requirements for strengt...Læs mere »
In doors and windows, sealants are mainly used for the joint sealing of window frames and glass, and the joint sealing of window frames and internal and external walls. Problems in the application of the sealant for doors and windows will lead to the failure of door and window seals, resulting in...Læs mere »
Many people may have had these experiences: Even though the windows are closed, rain still seeps into the home and the whistle of cars on the road downstairs can be heard clearly at home. These are likely to be the failure of the door and window sealant! Although silicon...Læs mere »
What is silicone glass sealant? Silicone sealant is a common and convenient adhesive in construction and daily life. According to its curing mechanism and reaction characteristics, it can be divided into two types: one-component and two-component. 1. One-component...Læs mere »
Why should we upgrade our quality assurance? With the development of the construction industry, sealant, as the bonding and sealing material of buildings, plays a more and more important role in the whole life cycle management of buildings. It is not only the structu...Læs mere »
https://www.siwaycurtain.com/uploads/The-28-Windoor-Facade-Expo.mp4 On March 11, the 28th Windoor Facade Expo was held in Guangzhou Poly Trade Expo Pavilion. As the only industry gathering in China that focuses on releasing new product...Læs mere »
Since 1995,Windoor Facade Expo has been accompany Jianmei, Fenglu, Xingfa and other enterprises with annual sales more than 5 billion for 28 years. It is the founder of the door, window and curtain wall exhibition, and also the market promoter of industry innovation. And now it has become a must...Læs mere »
Possible causes and corresponding solutions for the problem of sealant drumming: a) Low environmental humidity Low environmental humidity causes slow curing of the sealant. For example, in spring and autumn in northern my country, the relative humidity of the air is low, sometimes even lingering...Læs mere »
Recently, the domestic silicone market has begun to rebound. The lowest price of DMC has been adjusted from RMB 30,000/ton to RMB 30,800/ton, and the lowest price of rubber compound has been adjusted from RMB 26,000/ton to RMB 29,000/ton. Market transactions have picked up, and orders have begun ...Læs mere »
Construction sequence of structural sealant (structural sealant for curtain wall, secondary structural sealant for hollow, etc.): 1. Cleaning the substrate In summer, the temperature is high and the cleaning solvent is volatile, so attention should be paid to the impact on t...Læs mere »
April 17-18, the 7th China building glass and industrial glass association member representative assembly and seven-time council was held in hangzhou xiaoshan kaiyuan hotel for the first time.Delegates to the national glass industry conference, nearly 500 people, from government departments, glas...Læs mere »
On April 12-13, a series of academic activities, “New Materials for Chemical Engineering”, was held to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Chemical Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Shanghai Siway Building Material Co., Ltd As a representative...Læs mere »
Glass curtain wall because of its beautiful, energy saving, easy maintenance and many other advantages are widely used. The glass curtain wall is a composite structure of the composite wall of the glass curtain wall which is sealed with adhesive adhesive adhesive. The glass unit is connected with...Læs mere »
Features: . Large expansion/ squeeze resistant * Uniform foaming/ waterproof weatherproof* High density/ not easily deformed . Sound insulation and noise reduction* Strong bonding strength Appication: * Insulating,fixing andinsulating of door and window frames* Filling and sealing of gaps, joint...Læs mere »
【 Siway sealant 】 sealant application principle and standard of building sealant sealant and structure properties of sealant were discussed, for designers, engineers and the sealant manufacturer. A sealant, sealant used in construction seam sealing, construction of all kinds of joints under...Læs mere »
Denne artikel indhold er udarbejdet af Siway redaktion: Når plastik lim til at sikre, at størrelsen og kvaliteten af lim, bør kolloid ikke bobler eller huller! Dette spørgsmål vil vi introducere dig til silikone struktur fugemasse søm størrelse design og beregning! De generelle krav ...Læs mere »
Denne artikel indhold er udarbejdet af Siway redaktion: Opbygning fugemasse er en slags lim udelukkende anvendes til limning og tætning mellem materialer i bygge- og anlægsvirksomhed. På nuværende tidspunkt er bygningen anvendes i high-grade tætningsmiddel primært opdelt i silikone, polyurethan ...Læs mere »
Denne artikel indhold er udarbejdet af Siway redaktion: Der er flere almindelige problemer i byggeprocessen af silikone strukturel lim: 1. Dårlig vedhæftning; 2. Hærdning langsomt; 3. Lim bredde strukturel lim er ikke nok; 4. Der er bobler og huller i strukturen colloi ...Læs mere »
(1) rense mellemrum mellem pladerne, bør der ikke være noget vand, fedt, maling, rust, cement, mørtel, støv og så videre. Rens den klæbende overflade grundigt og tør det. Kan anvendes toluen eller methyl diacetone som rengøringsmiddel. (2) For at justere dybden af sømmen, for at undgå de tre sider af g ...Læs mere »
1 Indledning Strukturel klæbemiddel er høj styrke, kan modstå en større belastning, og anti-aging, udmattelsesstyrke, korrosionsmodstand, stabile resultater i den forventede levetid, der er egnet til strukturelle klæbemiddel bundet til klæbemidlet. Hovedsagelig anvendes til metal, keramik, plast, gummi, træ en ...Læs mere »
Abstract: Med værker sådan opførelsen ringmur glas ringmur, aluminum gardin væg, sten gardin væg og syntetisk plade, etc., hvilket resulterer i et stort antal af bygning fugemasse brug. Denne artikel gennem de nuværende nationale standarder og tekniske standarder, fra fugemasse ap ...Læs mere »
Silikone strukturelle klæbende byggeprocessen har fire fælles problemer: 1. Dårlig vedhæftning; 2. Hærdning langsomt; 3. Strukturel limning bredde er ikke nok; 4. Strukturel kolloid inde i boblen og huller. I dag giver vi dig en detaljeret beskrivelse af, hvordan man undgår to-komponent silikone struk- ...Læs mere »
Indholdet i denne artikel er redigeret af Siway redaktion: Abstract: silikone vejrbestandige fugemasse produkter anvendes især i gardin væg plade vejr forsegling silikone produkter, fremragende modstandsdygtighed over for UV ældning gør den fremragende præstation i denne ansøgning. Udover d ...Læs mere »
Silikone fugemasse er en silikone polymer materialer, fremragende vejrbestandighed, ældning, modstandsdygtighed over for ultraviolet stråling, ozon og høj og lav temperatur resistens, er ved at bygge facader, døre og vinduer og termoruder fugemasse af valg. Silicone fugemasse på ...Læs mere »
Shanghai Siway Building Material Co., Ltd testcenter i juli 2015 bestået certificering udvalg af Kinas overensstemmelsesvurdering (CNAs) certificering review panel. Værne om "opfører sig retfærdigt, videnskabelig metode, data nøjagtighed, kundetilfredshed" kvaliteten politik, inspektion c ...Læs mere »
Den 19. august blev ATC bil produktionsteknologi serie møde en af de 2015 biler forsamling teknologi topmøde i Ningbo. Topmødet har tiltrukket mere end 500 branchefolk, næsten hundrede bilproducenter og motorfabrikanter, der er mere end 30 industri hea ...Læs mere »
Den 25. juni og 26. Bygning døre og vinduer tilbehør Kina byggeri metal struktur forening udvalg i 2015 arbejder møde festivitas Chia Tai nye århundrede hotel i Ningbo, Shanghai Siway Building Material Co., Ltd, som en af repræsentanterne fugemasse industrien deltog i .. .Læs mere »